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The spark.

Brittani Frost-Shank

I had a spark of creativity. It hasn't happened in a while, not in the way it did today. Sure, I enjoy photography and use it outlet for a way to relieve stress and bring myself joy.

But my first love? My first love was writing. I used to fill journals and notebooks as a child. Just ask my mom, Tammy. I collected pens and pencils and anything colorful and comfortable to write with, and I still do today. When I learned how to type, and type well, my story-telling expanded into words on a screen that allowed me to get my thoughts out quicker than I was used to. My brain often moves at a pace I cannot manage, so this was an extraordinary experience for me.

And then I woke up this morning. I couldn't shake the thoughts of the things happening in our country and the attacks made on the LGBTQ community and our basic human rights, and I realized I knew little about the stories of the people in my lives and the people in their lives and the people in their lives.

And so, today, Queerly Misunderstood was born. I want to tell the stories of the LGBTQ community - the stories they have kept quiet because of fear or hurt or whatever it is that's holding them back.

I'd love if you would be a part of this with me. If you're willing to let me talk with you, I want to hear about your heart. I want to know what makes you cry and what makes you laugh and what makes you tense up and what makes you fly high. Message me if you're interested - I'm excited to start this journey with the people I love.

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